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Awesome FaucetPay sites that FOR SURE PAY 💰
Free DOGE every 30 mins, also has auto-claim. You don’t need to earn tokens to use auto-claim just press start and let it run. Pays
automatic once progress bar reaches 100%. I’ve had 6 or 7
payments so far but I don’t use it as much as I’d like
Collect 10 coins every 10 minutes and they instantly get sent to
your FaucetPay after claiming each coin. Awesome site with
SINGLE BUTTON CAPTCHAs making earning your $$$
much faster. https://bagi.co.in/?ref=28156
Mining site for DGB or FEY, just transfer earnings to main
Balance once it fills up, then once you reach minimum
withdrawal level (so low that I withdrew my 1st day).